Our Home Land

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Our Home Land

Our Home Land

Our Home Land

Look at this map closely, this map was made in 1881. This map was made about the first civilizations on earth from thousands of years ago. All the places you see on this map was 100% black. There was not one white person in this whole map. This includes Rome and Greece everything was black.

From the time the white invaders came from the north they have tried to wipeout the proof of it being black. This is the start of Iconoclasm and Iconoclasm started with the first push south. Napoleon Bonaparte did not believe blacks could have made civilization. When he visited Egypt, he saw it himself and broke the nose of the sphinx.

Broken Noses

(Not only did they change colors of paintings to white they broke all the black noses)

The continuation of Iconoclasm is just in their blood without even being told. They went through the Egyptian tombs changing colors of the people. There was just too many to complete the job. They did this in Mesopotamia, but artifacts will always be found.

Babylon Artifact

(Babylon artifact)

Asia Minor Map

(Tigers once roamed most of Asia Minor)

Tigers also used to be in our Homeland until the white invaders came.

Be proud of who you are. Tell and show your children that we have a great history and show them we have a great future by making a black inspired present.

Still I Rise

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