The Black Curriculum

The Black Curriculum


Note: This will be update all the time, this will take a long time to finish


The Black Curriculum


Before conception 


What you do, your thoughts, your will and your DNA gets passed on to your children.



This will be brought up a lot throughout our curriculum. We learn through repetition, practice. We must always pour in good qualities and traits. 


Good thoughts is more than just thinking positively. Good thoughts is everything. Your food, you music, your friends, your family, your job, getting sunlight, getting the right amount of sleep and your environment all shapes your thoughts. 


All is culture and environment. Our culture was changed from Mesopotamians to Hebrews to slaves to African Americans now to lowest tier of every society and culture. From the moment we left Africa we have been socially engineered to live in this environment and given a culture by those who hate us. This also includes fellow black people. 


We came to the Americas as engineers, inventors, farmers, stone and brick masons, teachers, and scholars. If you can name it we did it. You didn't actually believe they taught this to us with a language and culture barrier? The Africans of the land taught white people our culture and language. 


Even with all this knowledge of us they still did not know everything and was so afraid of us they slept on the roofs of their houses. 

In the Wound

Babies can hear in the wound. Every time the mother speaks the baby can hear her. This is why a mother’s voice can calm the baby and sometimes the father especially if he is near the stomach when he speaks. The Old Testament Septuagint, Harp Music, Classical Music and the voices of the ones that will raise them can mold them in the wound.  Before they enter the world they can be blessed.

Record your voice reading the Septuagint with some harp music playing in the background. King David played the harp to The Most High for a reason.

The effects of harp music on the body:,50%20per%20cent%20of%20patients.

Therefore it was played whether you believe it or not the words in the Septuagint are true. You can read your favorite verse or chapter. Also record your feelings love is immensely powerful

Writing Words On Water

The effects of word love on water:

You can play these recordings on the stomach all the way until the baby is born. Majority of the babies will start responding to the recordings with kicks. This will help them recognize voices once born.


0-6 months


These are a part of some of the most important years of the life of a human being. The mind is a blank slate, think of a new laptop it has an operation system with a few applications the rest is blank. A baby is born with basic functions to function. It is up to us fill it with wonderful programs.

Eye contact: This is the development of self-image. Babies process information of their image with their eyes. The already know the voices of the people around them in the wound. This gives them face to the voice. You also must talk to them while you are looking in their eyes.

It is very important to look like yourself in front of your child (no makeup or weave). This gives positive images of the self-given by The Most High. This is the foundation of loving one’s self.

Talking: Do not baby talk with a baby. Their minds are processing these sounds and storing them for use. This includes the Television and music played in their presence.

Note: The brain never sleeps. Even while sleeping your brain can process the sounds in reality and place them in your dreams. This means that you need to be mindful of your baby’s surroundings. The music and television sounds will be processed in your baby’s mind.

The music and television that we consume is detrimental to the society image of our people. You should play music with no words for your health and your babies health and development.


Daughters of the Trade: Atlantic Slavers and Interracial Marriage on the Gold Coast

The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English

The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible: The Oldest Known Bible Translated for the First Time in English

Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring and Healing

Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race 4500 B.C. to 2000

The Mis-Education of the Negro

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of  Colorblindness

100 Years of Lynchings

From Babylon to Timbuktu

The Snowy Day